SALEACOM: Literature on Successful Actions in a Global World for the Historically Excluded

February 15, 2016

A report was published in the framework of WP1. Successful actions in a global world for the systematically underserved of the SALEACOM Project.

The main aim of the report is providing a literature review on the strategies that are providing effective solutions to the educational and social inequalities suffered by traditionally underserved populations. This report is the outcome of the collaboration between the 6 research groups from Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Hungary, Spain, USA and 1 non-academic institution (Drom Kotar Mestipen, Spain). Each partner has contributed a literature review from their national context and expertise, providing a wide review focused on learning environments, classrooms, schools and communities. This also includes evidence that resulted in improving situations of exclusion affecting students from systematically underserved populations: Roma, Indigenous, African American, Latino, Afro-Brazilian, among others.

Report 1. Literature on Successful Actions in a Global World for the Historically Excluded (Deliverable 1.1) (Download)
