CPS Researchers Participated in Stanford Conference "Race, Inequality, and Language in Education"

October 12, 2017
CPS Research Fellow Vera Messing and CPS Research Associate Agnes Kende, within the framework of the SALEACOM project, participated in a 2-day conference “Race, Inequality, and Language in Education (RILE)” on October 6-7, 2017 organized by the Stanford Graduate School of Education. The conference brought together leading scholars from across the nation. Jonathan Rosa from Stanford University discussed how race, poverty, and language impact education and how language and language styles become the basis for racialized stereotypes and stigmatization. The keynote speaker of the conference, Christopher Emdin from Columbia University New York City gave a thrilling speech in a hip-hop style about the importance engaging students in education through the application of reality pedagogy. The conference discussed the potentials of innovative use of technology in teacher education, the role of education in labor market discrimination, research in teacher education and the gender perspective of inequalities. Vera Messing shared research result about experiences of racialized minorities in Central East European countries and the role segregated education plays in shaping their future career prospects.
The main message of the conference was the importance of agency and empowerment of children in and through education and the significance of getting through research and academic knowledge into communities.
Program (Download)
