The Roma and Their Struggle for Identity in Contemporary Europe

August 26, 2019

A new edited volume will be published soon (~February 2020) by Berghahn Books on how Roma identity is expressed in contemporary Europe. Editors are CEU Assistant Professor Angela Kocze and Huub van Baar, Assistant Professor at the Justus-Liebig University Giessen in Germany and Research Fellow at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


“This volume is a thoughtful and compelling read addressing some of the most persistent issues facing Roma communities in Europe today… provides the reader with a detailed and nuanced portrait of contemporary Roma life in Europe.” • Aidan McGarry, Loughborough University

“An important contribution to Romani Studies, which gives valuable context to new directions and strategies being adopted by Roma in the spheres of identity, social movement activism and cultural performance. Essential reading for campaigners, researchers and practitioners.” • Andrew Ryder, Corvinus University Budapest


Thirty years after the collapse of Communism, and at a time of radically diverse kinds of identity politics, including anti-migrant, anti-Roma, anti-Muslim and anti-establishment movements, this book analyses how Roma identity is expressed in contemporary Europe. From backgrounds ranging from political theory, postcolonial, cultural and gender studies to art history, feminist critique and anthropology, the contributors reflect on the extent to which a politics of identity regarding historically disadvantaged, racialized minorities such as the Roma can still be legitimately articulated. In part, the contributors argue, the answer lies in a movement beyond classic identity politics and any opposition between essentialism and constructivism.

More information about the book is available on the publisher's website here.

