Preliminary findings of the civil society monitoring reports presented at the 2018 Roma Week

April 12, 2018

The preliminary outcomes of the monitoring reports prepared by a coalition of 90 NGOs and individual experts were presented during the 2018 Roma Week, in Brussels. The preliminary findings were presented and discussed as part of two events ‘Assessment of EU Roma Framework and ways forward for 2020’ and ‘From quality education to decent employment’.

It was highlighted by Jelena Jovanovic that ‘the post 2020 EU Framework must be based on prioritizing a correct and comprehensive understanding of antigypsyism, including all its manifestations. Both Roma-specific and mainstream strategic and legislative documents, must be created or revised for relevant authorities to understand the cause of social exclusion and programs should be developed and budget should be allocated to combat antigypsyism through relevant bodies’.

EU Roma Week program (Download)
