Dominant Counter-Narratives to Islamophobia – Hungary

April 19, 2018

A new working paper has been published by Zsuzsanna Vidra, research fellow at CPS, in the frame of the Counter-Islamophobia Kit (Countering Islamophobia through the Development of Best Practice in the use of Counter-Narratives in EU Member States) project.


The aim of this report is to identify counter-narratives to Islamophobia in Hungary. Firstly, it gives a brief overview of the main narratives of Islamophobia identified in the previous report. Following this, it presents the political context in which these narratives are created and provides a conceptual framework for the interpretation of the counter-narratives. Then based on secondary literature it specifies the main actors and their activities during the refugee crisis relevant in the counter-narratives of Islamophobia. Then it presents the research findings that are based on analysing particular media and political texts and interviews with stakeholders. In the methodology section it is described how the text corpuses were chosen and what sampling methods were used and how the analysis was done. In the next section, it gives a detailed account of the counter-frames identified in the different text corpuses, then based on the frequency counting of the appearance of frames, it makes a ranking of narratives in the three text corpuses keeping in mind the limitations of this method. At the end, using the conceptual framework, it makes an attempt to interpret these frames as to their content and effectiveness in deconstructing and countering Islamophobic narratives.

Dominant Counter - Narratives to Islamophobia – Hungary (Download)