The preconditions of institutional change in schools

May 5, 2020

A literature review has been published by CPS researcher Agnes Kende in the frame of the Future Challenges to Education Systems in Central Eastern European Context (EDUC) project.

EDUC is an OSF/ESP funded two-year long comparative research project, focusing on the adaptability of education systems determined by the interplay between governance and the institutional operation of schools in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia and Romania.


This literature review on institutional change in schools focuses on the organizational changes in educational institutions that are required due to the challenges education systems need to face. The potential response of education to these challenges means that the main education-related goal for every child must be to equip them, by the time they leave school, to face a world significantly different to the setting in which they grew up, with the resilience, adaptability, and courage to find new settings and occupations.

The literature review of The Preconditions of Institutional Change in Schools is available here.