
EDUMIGROM findings presented at "Challenge Social Innovation" conference

September 28, 2011

Dr. Julia Szalai introduced the main findings of EDUMIGROM in the presentation "Social inclusion through education in multiethnic communities across Europe" given at "Challenge Social Innovation" conference in Vienna (19-21 September, 2011).  

EDUMIGROM findings presented at "Urban Education" conference

September 20, 2011

Dr. Vera Messing presented a paper "Experiences of second generation migrant and Roma adolescent youth in European urban schools" at "Urban Education" conference in Berlin (13-16 September, 2011). 

New publications: Policy recommendations in the domestic context

EDUMIGROM publishes its policy recommendations to deepen the discussions on policies that might enhance social inclusion of ethnic minority youth in education.

EDUMIGROM panel at the ASN Annual Convention

EDUMIGROM team presented at the Association for the Study of Nationalities 16th Annual World Convention. The ASN Annual Convention was held at Columbia University (New York, USA) on April 14-16, 2011.

EDUMIGROM publishes its last Newsletter in March 2011

The last Newsletter shares the latest updates on the project, focusing mainly on  the project`s closing conference, introduces the personal reflections of project colleagues involved in EDUMIGROM’s fieldwork and spotlights the recent publications.