In the Media

Cartwright commented on new family policy in Hungary

February 20, 2019

What are our experts' opinions on the new Hungarian policy to pay for cars, mortgages and wave income tax for big families? CEU Center for Policy Studies researcher Andrew Cartwright commented on the planned policy interventions for Euronews. 

Read the article 'Hungary offers to pay for cars, mortages and tax bills for big families' on the Euronews site.

Szegregált oktatásból nem vezet út az egyetemre (No access to university from a segregated school)

October 29, 2018

CPS research affiliate Agnes Kende wrote an article about school segregation of Roma children in Hungary for

The article describes the history of school segregation of Roma children in Hungary. The author demonstrates that any kind of school segregation violates equal opportunities, equal treatment and human rights, and results in long-term harmful effects on Roma children's lives.

Abcúg and Index interviews with CPS researchers on the situation of teacher training in Hungary and their experiences from Stanford Graduate School of Education

A journalist from Abcúg interviewed CPS Research Fellow Vera Messing and CPS Research Associate Agnes Kende who recently carried out a knowledge exchange at Stanford Graduate School of Education in the framework of the 'Overcoming Inequalities in Schools and Learning Communities (SALEACOM)' Project.

Vulnerability of Roma' in the Anti-human Trafficking Policy Discourse on Romano Them

March 3, 2016

A Roma radio program of the Radio Belgrade, Romano Them featured the audio record of a presentation and discussion held in a Serbian Think Tank organization Public Policy Research Centre. Jelena Jovanovic, research fellow of the Center for Policy Studies (CEU) talked about the results of the project Exploring 'Vulnerability of Roma' in the Anti-human Trafficking Policy Discourse in Serbia.

Frequently parents make their children stand on the side of the road - Kids of street corners/ Nemritkán a szülők állítják gyermeküket az út mellé - Utcasarkok palántái

December 16, 2015

The Hungarian Szabad Föld online newspaper published an article about child prostitution in Hungary and it referred to the findings of the CONFRONT Project as well.