
Comparing Strategies of (De)Politicisation in Europe. Governance, Resistance and Anti-politics

June 21, 2018

CPS research fellow Pinar Donmez is one of the editors of the new Palgrave book considering depoliticisation from a comparative perspective, particularly focusing on cases from continental European countries. It investigates how depoliticisation is received by those at which it is aimed, as well as how it is put in to practice, also promotes an interdisciplinary conversation to define depoliticisation as a dynamic and interactive process between government elites and societal groups/movements.

Varieties of Opposition to Gender Equality in Europe

May 25, 2018

An edited volume has been published on opposition to gender equality by Routledge, the book is edited by Mieke Verloo, with contributions from many well-known scholars, including Andrea Krizsan from CEU Center for Policy Studies.

Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies

May 24, 2018

"Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies", an open access book in the IMISCOE Research Series has been published by Springer on key issues and major challenges at different stages of conducting qualitative migration research.

Edited by Ricard Zapata-Barrero and Evren Yalaz, with contributions from our CEU Center for Policy Studies colleagues Violetta Zentai and Olena Fedyuk.

Inclusion and Exclusion in Europe: Migration, Work and Employment Perspectives

May 11, 2018

Olena Fedyuk, a CPS research affiliate, is one of the editors of the new book on migration and work perspectives published by the ECPR Press in April 2018.

Recent decades have seen the EU grappling with a major struggle between securitisation of its external borders and demand for exploitable and disposable cheap workforce in various sectors. In this process the EU has multiplied its borders by pushing them outwards and inwards.

Stopping Rape - rereleased as open access ebook!

April 26, 2018

The book Stopping Rape: Towards a Comprehensive Policy, first published in 2015, has been relaunched today as an Open Access eBook and can be read for free here: