
Communicating Cohesion in Eastern Europe. The Cases of Romania, Hungary and Slovenia

A working paper has just been published by CEU Center for Policy Studies Research Fellow Dragos Adascalitei, Research Affiliate Anita Halasz, and Visiting Research Fellow Marko Lovec within the framework of the COHESIFY (The Impact of Cohesion Policy on EU Identification) research project.

Looking behind the culture of fear. Cross-national analysis of attitudes towards migration

March 6, 2018

A new study is available by Vera Messing, CEU Center for Policy Studies researcher, and Bence Sagvari from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences.

Looking behind the culture of fear. Cross-national analysis of attitudes towards migration (Download)

Roma employment and the potentials of state and business actors in labor market inclusion

The state of the art report of the Bridge to Business project (Bridging Young Roma and Business: Intervention for inclusion of Roma youth through employment in the private sector in Bulgaria and Hungary) has been published by CPS researchers Vera Messing and Zsuzsa Arendas with contribution of Boyan Zahariev.

Blog: Projects, Plans and Policies - how can innovative thinking be used to implement policy

February 16, 2018

Andrew Cartwright talks about how innovative thinking can be used to implement policy 

The politics of refugee solidarity in Greece: Bordered identities and political mobilization

The first working paper of the MigSol project (Migration Solidarity and Acts of Citizenship along the Balkan Route) has been published by Celine Cantat, reseach fellow at CEU CPS.