
The Hungarian border spectacle: Migration, repression and solidarity in two Hungarian border cities

June 19, 2017

CEU CPS research fellow, Celine Cantat, published a paper that reflects on the politics of spectacularisation that underpin the government of migrants and refugees by Hungarian authorities and on the extent to which solidarity initiatives with migrants and refugees can challenge dominant anti-migrant narratives in the country.

The impact of the economic crisis on latent and early entrepreneurship in Europe

June 13, 2017

CEU CPS research fellow, Dragos Adascalitei, together with Federico Vegetti, just published a piece in the International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal.

Solidarity in the housing sector: civic responses to homelessness and housing poverty in Hungary

May 26, 2017

A new working paper has been published by Sara Svensson, Peter Balogh and Andrew Cartwright in the frame of the SOLIDUS project on homelessness and housing poverty in Hungary.

Constructing Roma Migrants: European Narratives and Local Governance

May 11, 2017

On May 9 the INTEGRIM Junior Research Fellows Stefano Piemontese and Tina Magazzini held an interesting seminar on different possible angles to look at the under-researched concept of ‘Roma westward migration’ and discussed it both as a helpful bridge between the two disciplines of migration and diversity management, as well as a way to raise methodological and ethical concerns of researchers working on this topic.

Solidarity at the Border: The organization of spontaneous support for transiting refugees in two Hungarian towns in the summer of 2015

April 4, 2017

A new working paper has been published by CPS researchers focusing on how communities and administrations at the sub-national level responded to the huge number of refugees and migants arriving to Hungary in 2015.