
CPS Research Associate Stefano Piemontese has co-authored an article on Roma migration in the EU

April 22, 2016

The article titled “ ‘Roma’ migration in the EU: the case of Spain between ‘new’ and ‘old’ minorities” has been published by the journal “Migration Letters”, an international peer reviewed letter-type journal of migration studies.

Employment protection and collective bargaining during the great recession: a comprehensive review of international evidence

February 8, 2016

CPS Research Associate Dragos Adascalitei is among the authors of a paper published in the journal 'Revista de Economia Laboral' on recently implemented labor market reforms in 111 countries.

CPS Research Fellow publishes on health policy in border regions

January 21, 2016

An article by Sara Svensson, Research Fellow at the Center for Policy Studies, has been published in the journal Territory, Politics, Governance, a peer-reviewed journal of the Regional Studies Association.

Human Trafficking and Online Networks: Policy, Analysis, and Ignorance

January 11, 2016

An article co-autherd by CPS Research Affiliate Kiril Sharapov has been published in Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography.

Prosecuting THB for the purpose of labour exploitation

December 19, 2015

A new report on trafficking in human beings has just been published by the Eurojust THB Project Team.