Zsuzsanna Arendas

Research Fellow

Contact information

Budapest, Nador u. 11
+36 1 327-3000 x2576

Zsuzsa has earned her doctorate from Pecs University, Hungary in 2010. She has worked in various EU-funded research projects at the CEU Center for Policy Studies since 2013, such as the "Assessing Integration Measures for Vulnerable Migrant Groups (ASSESS)" project on monitoring the integration of third country nationals; and the "Industrial Relations in Multilingual Environments at Work (IR-MultiLing)" project on multilingualism at workplaces and in industrial relations. She is currently involved in the project Bridging Young Roma and Business: Intervention for inclusion of Roma youth through employment in the private sector in Bulgaria and Hungary (Bridge to Business), linking young highly-educated Roma with the business sector. She is part of the CEU CPS research team conducting the impact assessment of this specific employment program.

Zsuzsa is also a research fellow at the Sociology Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, currently working on a pilot research studying circular migration and its impacts on families, and most particularly on children in Hungary. Zsuzsa has also worked on a research project analyzing diverse social factors behind Youth Unemployment (NEET group) in Hungary, commissioned by Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company, Hungary (CC HBC). She has participated in different migration related research projects such as the FP7 funded project ‘ENACT’- Enacting citizenship, focusing on citizenship acts of third country nationals, as well as in the project of the Hungarian Ethnographic Museum on Objects of Mobility/ Mobile Objects.

Zsuzsa has mentored students of the CEU Roma Graduate Preparation Program, and of the CEU OLIve-UP program for refugee students, and is a returning faculty at the Heritage Studies Program at CEU, teaching a course on cultural heritage and mobility.



Ph.D. Communication studies (Pecs University 2010)
M.A. Nationalism studies, (CEU 2001)
M.A. Ethnology (Pecs University 1999)
M.A. English (Pecs University 1999)

Projects led by Zsuzsanna Arendas


Policy Brief

Working Paper

Violetta Zentai, Vera Messing, Zsuzsanna Arendas , ASSESS Kutatási Jelentés 1: A monitorozás kérdései és lehetőségei Magyarországon , 2015
Vera Messing, Violetta Zentai, Zsuzsanna Arendas , Integration of Vulnerable Migrants: Women, Children and Victims of Trafficking (Hungary) , 2015
Zsuzsanna Arendas , IR-Multiling National Report: Hungary , 2015