"Social Inclusion by Education" media briefing took place in Barcelona

May 24, 2010

Julia Szalai presented EDUMIGROM at a media briefing on 'Social Inclusion by Education in Europe's Multicultural Society,' organised by the Directorate-General for Research of the European Commission.

The briefing, arranged within the context of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, was held in Barcelona, Spain, April 26-27, 2010. This media event provided a platform to discuss and bring attention to what European schools and European research can do toward EU goals of social inclusion. It was attended by some 50 journalists from all over Europe. In the framework of the event, Dr. Szalai was interviewed about EDUMIGROM’s findings by media outlets from several countries, including Bulgaria, Germany, and Ireland.

In addition to EDUMIGROM, three other EU-funded projects were presented: EMILIE (The Migration Mix: Europe’s Multicultural Challenge); INCLUD-ED (Strategies for Inclusion and Social Cohesion in Europe from Education); and YIPPEE (Young People from a Public Care Background: Pathways to Education in Europe).

The event also included a visit to the Mare de Deu de Montserrat primary school, which has implemented the strategies identified in the EU-funded INCLUD-ED project. Located in a disadvantaged neighbourhood on the outskirts of Barcelona, this publicly-funded school for children aged 3 to 12 shows that educational performance is linked not to the ethnic composition of the class, but to the implementation of good practices and evidence-based methods.


  • News alert - European Research fights social exclusion (Download)