Full reports available on the impact of the Bridge to Business programme

October 3, 2019

The two final reports of the Bridge to business project (Bridging Young Roma and Business: Intervention for inclusion of Roma youth through employment in the private sector in Bulgaria and Hungary) have been published recently by CPS researchers Vera Messing and Zsuzsanna Arendas.

The main idea of the Bridge to Business programme is to facilitate access by highly-educated Roma (with at least upper secondary qualification) to quality, white-collar jobs in the private sector. The project involved150 Roma with completed grammar school or tertiary educations. The programme understands inclusion to be a mutual process occurring between Roma seeking jobs and companies aiming to hire a more diverse workforce, hence it aimed to have an impact both on Roma youth and on the companies partnering with the programme and brought together a diverse set of stakeholders: Roma and pro-Roma civil society organisations, large multinational companies, and researchers from the academic field, professional trainers and HR experts in a broad collaboration.

Report on the impact of Bridge to Business programme on participating Roma youth (Download)

Report on the impact of Bridge to Business programme in Hungary: How did corporate partners benefit? (Download)