Diverse, inclusive workplace for the Roma and for others

January 16, 2020

One of the final outputs of the 3-year long Bridge to business project is a guide prepared for corporate partners on the practical examples learned about corporate diversity processes so organizations can learn from each other's successes and failures and improve their effectiveness in the inclusion of disadvantaged employees with various backgrounds. The publication is authored by CPS researchers Vera Messing and Zsuzsanna Arendas, and by Autonomia Foundation affiliates Agnes Kelemen and Marton Illes.

This guide had been compiled with the goal of helping companies which are open to strengthening their diversity, because they see it as one way to become more effective and successful. Therefore, they are willing to open toward new employees, among them Roma. The "company" as such, of course, will not read this publication - it was written for various people working in corporate settings, such as HR managers, line managers, subject matter experts. For you.

The publication is available in English and in Hungarian as well here.