
Blog: Coastal landscapes in northern Cyprus: enclosed, contested, and occupied

July 16, 2019

By Ezgican Ozdemir

For the past few years, the coastal region of Kyrenia in northern Cyprus has developed unevenly and with an outright favoring of private investors, a trend not uncommon to the rest of the Global South.

Photo: "Sea for Free" activists wrote on a beach during one of their protests "Don't privatize, make the beaches beautiful". Source: Belese Deniz - Sea for Free Facebook Page.

Blog: “Get up, stand up”: The existential precarity of Dr. Ámbédkar High School

June 19, 2019

by Nora Tyeklar

The first time I visited Dr. Ámbédkar High School in Miskolc, Hungary was near the end of 2016, just before the winter break. I spent the day getting to know some of the students and teachers, observed classes, and was fortunate to be present for a school assembly in which students were awarded scholarships based on their academic performance.

Blog: Old wine in new bottles: Romania’s recurrent problem with EU funds absorption

September 13, 2018

By Dragos Adascalitei

In 2012, the Economist was noting that Romania had a “funding obsession”: one of the poorest countries in the European Union (EU) was incapable of using the funds made available by the European Commission to get out of the crisis and catch up with its more developed peers. 

Blog: Summer heat and forest fires: could more collaboration be the answer?

September 6, 2018

By Sara Svensson

The summer of 2018 has been among the hottest and driest on record in many parts of Europe. In Sweden this has led to the outbreak of the largest forest fires the country has ever seen, and in Greece the highest casualty numbers resulting from a forest fire.