In the Media

Blog: Germany: Is banning far-right groups enough?

By Michael Zeller

This article was originally published on OpenDemocracy here on Feb 17, 2020.

Blog: Whither Poland? After the 2019 parliamentary elections

By Michael Zeller

This article was originally published on OpenDemocracy here on Oct 27, 2019.

The 2020 Presidential election will be the first indicator of how the Polish electorate is responding to the work of the second PiS government.

Blog: Did the Hungarian local elections break polarisation and extremism?

By Zsuzsanna Vidra

This article was originally published on OpenDemocracy here on Oct 27, 2019.

Hungary’s recent elections mark a breakthrough: the paralysing myth of Fidesz’s invincibility has been shattered. reports about the Bridge to Business project results and experiences

The article 'My name is not Orsós and it's not visible that I am Roma, still I was afraid of having a panic attack when on a job interview' (Nem vagyok Orsós, és nem látszik, hogy cigány vagyok, de féltem, bepánikolok egy állásinterjún) published by summarizes the Bridge to Business project's research results and the job seeking experiences and difficulties that young Roma have to face in Hungary.

Hungarian Free Press reviews our recent paper on participatory governance by populist governments

June 25, 2019
CEU Center for Policy Studies researchers Sara Svensson's and Agnes Batory's recent paper “The use and abuse of participatory governance by populist governments" is reviewed by Hungarian Free Press: "The authors inject a dose of healthy skepticism into the debate about consultations to show that there are circumstances in which public consultations will achieve anything but greater legitimacy and