Project Events & News

Traveller and Roma civil society: Ireland can do better at assessing integration progress

January 28, 2020

The second round of  Roma Civil Monitor (RCM) reports on Ireland relates that developments in policy to advance the human rights of Travellers and Roma since 2017 are seen as positive by civil society. Unfortunately, implementation remains weak. The employment gap between members of these minorities and the rest of society demonstrates that progress has yet to be made in that area.

The Adaptability of Education Systems to Future Challenges in Context: an Analytical Framework

A concept paper has been published by CPS researcher Peter Rado in the frame of the Future Challenges to Education Systems in Central Eastern European Context (EDUC) project.

EDUC is an OSF/ESP funded two-year long comparative research project, focusing on the adaptability of education systems determined by the interplay between governance and the institutional operation of schools in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia and Romania.


Sinti and Roma civil society: Germany must ban antigypsyism in social services and guarantee social rights

January 20, 2020

The recently-released second Roma Civil Monitor (RCM) report on Germany has reviewed various measures of social policy that Sinti and Roma in particular might benefit from. While the EU Framework for the Member States’ National Roma Integration Strategies has not changed federal policy in Germany (there is no national-level NRIS), it has been used to encourage the adoption of policies intended to positively impact Roma and Sinti at the local and regional levels.

Diverse, inclusive workplace for the Roma and for others

One of the final outputs of the 3-year long Bridge to business project is a guide prepared for corporate partners on the practical examples learned about corporate diversity processes so organizations can learn from each other's successes and failures and improve their effectiveness in the inclusion of disadvantaged employees with various backgrounds.

Video: Roma Civil Monitors on Roma Inclusion Policies at CEU

January 14, 2020