Project Events & News

National consultations: A mix of old and new technology in Hungary

A new TROPICO project brief is posted by CPS researchers Agnes Batory and Sara Svensson about the Hungarian National Consultation.

Roma Civil Monitor: reports published for France, Hungary and Romania

The latest additions to the 2nd monitoring cycle of the Roma Civil Monitor project cover progress assessment in key policy areas of the national Roma integration strategy in France, Hungary and Romania. The reports focus on the area of employment, housing and public services, health care policies, education and they all contain comprehensive local case studies.

Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategies II: Assessing progress in key policy areas of the strategy in:

TROPICO project brief is available on ICT tools in internal policy design in Hungary

The brief titled 'The National Adaptation Geo-Information System and its Effect on Collaboration and Policy Design in Hungary' is written by CPS researchers Andras Molnar and Sara Svensson.

Aims and goals

Roma Civil Monitor: 2nd cycle reports are available for Belgium, Ireland and Slovakia

The Roma Civil Monitor project produced the first three reports of the second monitoring cycle covering Belgium, Ireland and Slovakia. The reports focus on the key policy areas of education, employment, healthcare and housing.