Project Events & News

New publication: The Embodiment of (in)Tolerance in Discourses and Practices Addressing Cultural Diversity in Schools in Hungary. The Case of Roma

January 25, 2012

New working paper has been published by Zsuzsanna Vidra (CEU CPS) and Jon Fox (Politics and International Studies, University of Bristol) in the frame of the ACCEPT PLURALISM project.

New publications: Policy recommendations in the domestic context

EDUMIGROM publishes its policy recommendations to deepen the discussions on policies that might enhance social inclusion of ethnic minority youth in education.

New publication: EDUMIGROM Final Study

'Contested Issues of Social Inclusion through Education in Multiethnic Communities across Europe', the final study of the three-year project EDUMIGROM has been published.

European Social Observatory Lunchtime Sessions with VLEVA and NEUJOBS

In the framework of the NEUJOBS project a discussion was held in Brussels on 'Closing the gap in educational outcomes between Roma and non-Roma: Why the Europan Union Matters.'

New publication by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2010. The Annual report from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights draws on EDUMIGROM's 2010 Ethnic Differences in Education in Hungary: Survey Report, authored by Julia Szalai and Vera Messing, with contributions from Anna Szasz.

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