
Promising Practices Inside and Outside Formal Secondary Education

A policy brief has been published about new statistical evidence on early school leaving in the project with the contribution of CPS researchers Julia Szalai and Agnes Kende.

New publication: Cohesion Policy and Perceptions of the European Union in Hungary

November 30, 2017

Celine Cantat, research fellow at CPS, has just published a new working paper in the frame of the project 'The Impact of Cohesion Policy on EU Identification (COHESIFY)'.

New publication @ Routledge: The Gender Politics of Domestic Violence

November 29, 2017

Co-authored by Andrea Krizsan, CEU Center for Policy Studies research fellow and adjunct faculty at the CEU School of Public Policy, and Conny Roggeband from the University of Amsterdam.

Romákkal beszélgetve a médiáról: ellenállni a hatalom értelmezésének // Conversation with Roma communities on media-image: Resisting the interpretation of power

July 13, 2017

CPS research fellow Vera Messing recently published an article together with Gabor Bernath on how the media representation of Roma in Hungary is perceived by the Roma themselves.

Invisible Denizens: Migrant Night Shift Workers’ Fragile Possibilities for Solidarity in the Post-Circadian Capitalist Era

July 3, 2017

Iulius-Cezar Macarie, research affiliate at the Center for Policy Studies, published a paper on London’s New Spitalfields market night shift workers' weak possibilities for solidarity and alienation from the mainstream, diurnal society.