
New publication: Child Trafficking in Hungary. Sexual Exploitation, Forced Begging and Pickpocketing

June 29, 2015

A new bilingual book has been published by CEU CPS on child trafficking in Hungary summarizing the research findings of the CONFRONT project.

New reports in English and Hungarian: Assessing Integration Measures for Vulnerable Migrant Groups

May 29, 2015

National reports about the situation in Hungary have been published in the framework of the ASSESS research project, available in both English and Hungarian.

New publication: Mobilizing for Policy Change: Women's Movements in Central and Eastern European Domestic Violence Policy Struggles

May 27, 2015

A new e-book on women's movements edited by Andrea Krizsan has been published by CEU CPS.

Final Report: Assessing the Integration of Vulnerable Migrant Groups in Ten EU Member States

May 15, 2015

Final report has been published in the frame of the second phase of the ASSESS research project.

'Vulnerability of Roma' in Policy Discourse on Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings in Serbia: Perspectives of the National Policy Actors

May 8, 2015

CPS Junior Research Fellow Jelena Jovanovic has just published a working paper on her latest research results.