
Podcast: Reflections from Researching Night Shift Workers in London

January 25, 2019

This is the 3rd and last episode of the documentary podcast series launched by our colleague, Julius-Cezar MacQuarie, PhD graduate of the INTEGRIM network: 'NightWorkPod: A Podcast About Working the Night Shift'.

MacQuarie presents the last piece with the following words:

Podcast: London, the Glocturnal City, and its 'Other Workers' (E02)

August 13, 2018

This is the second podcast of the series launched recently by our colleague, Julius-Cezar MacQuarie, PhD graduate of our INTEGRIM network: 'NightWorkPod: A Podcast About Working the Night Shift'.

Please beware that this episode may contain disturbing content

Podcast: ‘Bridges to Business’: Training young Roma for White-Collar Jobs in Hungary

June 4, 2018

In the second CPS podcast Zsuzsanna Arendas and Sara Svensson discuss with invited guests the reasons for underrepresentation of Roma in traditional 'office work', especially in the business sector, through the experiences of an ongoing project trying to change this, the 'Bridging Young Roma and Business: Intervention for inclusion of Roma youth through employment in the private sector in Bulgaria and Hungary (Bridge to Business)'.

Podcast: London, the Glocturnal City, and its 'Other Workers' (E01)

May 31, 2018

A new podcast series has been launched by our colleague, Julius-Cezar MacQuarie, recent PhD of our INTEGRIM network: 'NightWorkPod: A Podcast About Working the Night Shift'.