Project Events & News reports about the Bridge to Business project results and experiences

The article 'My name is not Orsós and it's not visible that I am Roma, still I was afraid of having a panic attack when on a job interview' (Nem vagyok Orsós, és nem látszik, hogy cigány vagyok, de féltem, bepánikolok egy állásinterjún) published by summarizes the Bridge to Business project's research results and the job seeking experiences and difficulties that young Roma have to face in Hungary.

Full reports available on the impact of the Bridge to Business programme

The two final reports of the Bridge to business project (Bridging Young Roma and Business: Intervention for inclusion of Roma youth through employment in the private sector in Bulgaria and Hungary) have been published recently by CPS researchers Vera Messing and Zsuzsanna Arendas.

Video: Boosting Gender Equality at CEU - SUPERA Project

September 24, 2019

Summary reports on Bridge to Business project participants and partner companies

Two summaries have been published recenty by CPS researchers Vera Messing and Zsuzsanna Arendas, the papers were prepared in frame of the Bridge to Businnes project (Bridging Young Roma and Business: Intervention for inclusion of Roma youth through employment in the private sector in Bulgaria and Hungary).

Egyedül nem megy! - konferencia

September 10, 2019

The final conference of the 3-year long project Bridge to Business (Bridging Young Roma and Business: Intervention for inclusion of Roma youth through employment in the private sector in Bulgaria and Hungary ) will be held on September 20, 2019 in the MagNet Közösségi Ház. The event will be in Hungarian.

For more information visit the event's Facebook page.