
Hungary's punitive turn: The shift from welfare to workfare

September 21, 2018

The article by CPS researcher Zsuzsanna Vidra was published in the journal of Communist and Post-Communist Studies (Volume 51, Issue 1).


State policies and institutional procedures and practices addressing prostitution and sex trafficking of children in Hungary

September 19, 2018

SAGE Journals published an article authored by Zsuzsanna Vidra,  research fellow at CEU CPS, Noemi Katona, research fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Science, Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Sociology and Viktoria Sebhelyi, PhD student at the University of Pecs, ‘Education and Society’ Doctoral School of Education.


When the public sector chooses a private partner: All about price?

The newest policy brief of the TROPICO ("Transforming into Open, Innovative, and Collaborative Governments") project, authored by Steven Van de Walle and Amandine Lerusse, has been published.

Book: European Territorial Cooperation

August 8, 2018

A new book is out, edited by Eduardo Medeiros, with contributions from CEU Center for Policy Studies colleagues Sara Svensson and Peter Balogh.

Rethinking Open Society: New Adversaries and New Opportunities

July 13, 2018

This collection, edited by CEU President and Rector Michael Ignatieff and Research Fellow Stefan Roch, embodies CEU’s continuing  mission—to educate skeptical, passionate and informed citizens.