
Unexpected Counter-Movements to Nationalism: the Hidden Potential of Local Food Communities

A new open access article that is based on research carried out within the framework of the SOLIDUS project (Solidarity in European Societies: Empowerment, Social Justice and Citizenship) is now available. Authors are the CEU CPS researchers who worked on the project: Sara Svensson, Peter Balogh and Andrew Cartwright.

The Adaptability of Education Systems to Future Challenges in Context: an Analytical Framework

A concept paper has been published by CPS researcher Peter Rado in the frame of the Future Challenges to Education Systems in Central Eastern European Context (EDUC) project.

EDUC is an OSF/ESP funded two-year long comparative research project, focusing on the adaptability of education systems determined by the interplay between governance and the institutional operation of schools in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia and Romania.


Diverse, inclusive workplace for the Roma and for others

One of the final outputs of the 3-year long Bridge to business project is a guide prepared for corporate partners on the practical examples learned about corporate diversity processes so organizations can learn from each other's successes and failures and improve their effectiveness in the inclusion of disadvantaged employees with various backgrounds.