
Former CPS researcher Sharapov co-edits Anti-Trafficking Review

October 30, 2019

Former CEU Center for Policy Studies Marie Curie individual fellow Kiril Sharapov co-edits an issue of the Anti-Trafficking Review journal with an Editorial: Knowledge is Power, Ignorance is Bliss: Public perceptions and responses to human trafficking. The journal also includes an article by Sharapov "Public Understanding of Trafficking in Human Beings in Great Britain, Hungary and Ukraine" based on his work at CEU CPS on the UPKAT resea

SpringerOpen: Politics of (Dis)Integration

October 21, 2019

A Springer Open access book has been published in the IMISCOE Research Series with contributions from our colleagues and friends from the INTEGRIM and ChangingEmployment doctoral training networks. Violetta Zentai, Celine Cantat, Tina Magazzini, all had a chapter in the volume edited by Sophie Hinger and Reinhard Schweitzer.

Countering Islamophobia in Europe

A Palgrave edited volume has been published based on the research conducted in the 'Countering Islamophobia through the Development of Best Practice in the use of Counter-Narratives in EU Member States' project. Editors are Ian Law, Amina Easat-Daas, Arzu Merali and Salman Sayyid, all of them were part of the University of Leeds Team of the project.  The Hungarian chapter is written by CPS researcher Zsuzsanna Vidra.

About the book

Full reports available on the impact of the Bridge to Business programme

The two final reports of the Bridge to business project (Bridging Young Roma and Business: Intervention for inclusion of Roma youth through employment in the private sector in Bulgaria and Hungary) have been published recently by CPS researchers Vera Messing and Zsuzsanna Arendas.

Summary reports on Bridge to Business project participants and partner companies

Two summaries have been published recenty by CPS researchers Vera Messing and Zsuzsanna Arendas, the papers were prepared in frame of the Bridge to Businnes project (Bridging Young Roma and Business: Intervention for inclusion of Roma youth through employment in the private sector in Bulgaria and Hungary).