
Roma Civil Monitor: 2nd cycle reports are available for Belgium, Ireland and Slovakia

The Roma Civil Monitor project produced the first three reports of the second monitoring cycle covering Belgium, Ireland and Slovakia. The reports focus on the key policy areas of education, employment, healthcare and housing.

The connotations of collaboration: European linguistic and scholarly perspectives on collaborative governance

A new working paper has been pubished on collaborative governance by CPS research fellow Sara Svensson in the Tropico project.

A social economy without civil society? New article reviews the Hungarian experience

January 31, 2019

In a new article published in the journal Intersections, CPS Affiliate Researcher Julia Szalai and CPS Research Fellow Sara Svensson use conceptual and empirical material derived from the SOLIDUS project to take a long-term look at the development of civil society in Hungary and what it means for the potential of growth in the social economy sector in line with European policy strategies.

An organizational ecology approach to EGTC creation in East Central Europe

January 28, 2019

A new paper is available in Regional and Federal Studies by former CPS Research Affiliate Stefan Telle and Research Fellow Sara Svensson on institutional change in cross-border governance.

Solidarity initiatives in Denmark, Hungary and Scotland compared

The research project SOLIDUS on solidarity in Europe strengthened CPS research network in the field of solidarity and social economy studies. A new article in ‘VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations’ is the result of cooperation between three partner institutions in the research project. The article argues that closer attention to how solidarity is understood and expressed in different European contexts can shed light on the conditions for establishing a social and solidarity economy.