444.hu reports about the Bridge to Business project results and experiences

October 7, 2019

The article 'My name is not Orsós and it's not visible that I am Roma, still I was afraid of having a panic attack when on a job interview' (Nem vagyok Orsós, és nem látszik, hogy cigány vagyok, de féltem, bepánikolok egy állásinterjún) published by 444.hu summarizes the Bridge to Business project's research results and the job seeking experiences and difficulties that young Roma have to face in Hungary.

The article quotes CPS researcher Vera Messing, who was part of the Hungarian research team in the project, and said that the figures may suggest if young people see a decent chance of finding a good job, it can also reduce emigration.

The paper 'With Eyes Wide Shut. Job Searching Qualified Roma and Employee Seeking Companies' written by our colleagues Zsuzsanna Arendas, Vera Messing and Violetta Zentai published in Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics (IEEJSP) last year,  was also referred to in the article.

The 444.hu article is available in Hungarian here.