
Blog: Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) to Collaborate with Pavee Point to Ensure the Safety of Travellers and Roma in Ireland during COVID-19

By Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre (part of the Roma Civil Monitor in Ireland).

As part of our overall work, Pavee Point is funded to coordinate the Traveller Health Unit which is a structure within the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) which prioritises the health of Travellers and works to address the health inequalities they experience.

Blog: The role of educational mediators during Bulgaria’s state of emergency

By Denitsa Ivanova from Amalipe Centre for Interethnic Dialog and Tolerance (part of the Roma Civil Monitor in Bulgaria). The author describes what it is like for Romani mediators there under the COVID-19 state of emergency in the article that was originally published here on 25 March 2020.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, recent days have been hard and difficult for all of us. We have had to dramatically change our daily lives.

Blog: Greece creates an emergency fund for Roma camps and settlements

The article is a compilation of information from different sources by Marek Hojsik from CEU CPS, and Manolis Rantis and Sia Siapera from HEROMACT (a part of Roma Civil Monitor in Greece).

To help Greek municipalities with segregated Roma camps and settlements in fighting the epidemic of Covid-19 and to protect their vulnerable populations, the Greek government created an emergency fund with an allocation of 2,255,000 EUR, the Ministry of Interior reported on 27 March.

Blog: The Cypriot Roma and their living conditions during COVID-19

By Chryso Pelekani
(part of the Roma Civil Monitor in Cyprus)

Cypriot government’s actions to integrate Roma do not seem to be effective enough and more must be done as soon as possible to protect their lives in the current time of pandemic revealed the interviews with members of the Roma community living in this insular member state.

Blog: School-to-work transition: Contextualizing fieldwork in Hungary's Southern-Transdanubia

By Abel Beremenyi

NGOST project aims to understand how school-to-work transition (STWT) occurs among the Roma young people, critically examining related policies and programmes and institutions targeting and/or reaching out to Roma youth.

Blog: Germany: Is banning far-right groups enough?

By Michael Zeller

This article was originally published on OpenDemocracy here on Feb 17, 2020.

Blog: Historians and regional policy-making: The perspective of a political scientist

November 22, 2019

By Sara Svensson

History matters for current politics. In this time of populism and nationalism, we see how national leaders utilize and sometimes rewrite history for political ends: Poland protests when a Netflix documentary places concentration camp locations on a map of today’s Poland.

Blog: Whither Poland? After the 2019 parliamentary elections

By Michael Zeller

This article was originally published on OpenDemocracy here on Oct 27, 2019.

The 2020 Presidential election will be the first indicator of how the Polish electorate is responding to the work of the second PiS government.

Blog: Did the Hungarian local elections break polarisation and extremism?

By Zsuzsanna Vidra

This article was originally published on OpenDemocracy here on Oct 27, 2019.

Hungary’s recent elections mark a breakthrough: the paralysing myth of Fidesz’s invincibility has been shattered.